Counseling Services
School counselors provide support for students during the school day as needed. School Counseling differs from Mental Health Counseling in that the focus is based on a students’ ability to be successful throughout his/her school day. If you feel that your child would benefit from additional counseling outside of school, we are happy to provide resources.
Students access the school counselor for many reasons. Below are some examples of what students may discuss with the counselor:
Peer conflicts often interrupt student learning time. Students may seek support from the counselor to help solve a conflict, or to provide support making or keeping a friend. When solving peer conflicts, I use a collaborative problem solving approach. I assist students to find the words that they need and assist them to navigate the steps of problem solving. It is my hope that with some facilitation, students will learn the strategies they need to solve problems independently.
School Counselors assist with student transitions. This can be into a new school, a new grade, or a new classroom. Students may feel nervous or anxious, and can work through these feelings and learn strategies from the counselor. Counselors help to make students feel safe and successful.
Changes in Family
Family dynamics can change throughout a student's elementary school life. When these challenges interfere with student learning, students may need support from the counselor. Some of these topics may include divorce, remarriage, new sibling, death of a family member, etc. Having a safe person to share some challenges at home can help students to express feelings and develop healthy coping strategies.
School Success
Tests, homework, classwork, activities, reading, writing, math....! Students can feel overwhelmed with the workload at school sometimes, and school counselors can offer ways to help students remain organized and stay positive about school. Above all else, students should develop a love of learning during these formative years and acquire tools to become successful students!
Small Groups
Social Groups will be provided for students as needed. Groups will be determined based on the needs of individual students and formed appropriately.
Anger Management:
Students learn that anger is normal and that they can develop healthy and safe ways in which to cope with this feeling. Social group provides opportunities for exercising and enhancing impulse and anger control when faced with conflict. It is a time for students to participate in a small group interacting and communicating with each other about ways to engage in problem solving rather than choosing aggression. Students will have the chance to practice appropriate interactions in a formal and controlled setting.
Strategies for Impulse Control:
Social group provides opportunities for exercising and enhancing impulse control, listening skills, taking turns, and conflict resolution. It is a time for students to participate in a small group interacting and communicating with each other.
Developing Positive Self-Esteem:
Students learn to identify positive self-attributes. Positive self-esteem helps students develop healthy relationships with others, take on challenges in academic areas, and make good choices! Students will develop tools to help them respect themselves and appreciate others.
Social Skills:
Working, playing, and learning together can at times be challenging for students. Social groups allow children a chance to work together in a controlled environment with other students to improve their ability to work with other and read social situations appropriately.
Classroom Guidance
Students will receive Classroom Guidance lessons throughout the year.
Second, Third, and Fourth grade students are learning about bullying. We are using the MARC curriciulum to teach students the definition of bullying, how to be an upstander, and the importance of being kind.
Students are learning that Bullying is about power. We are teaching students way to take away power from a bully and to be an Upstander to support other students. We encourage kindness and inclusion of all students.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunches are offered for each grade level at all times. Lunch Bunches are run for approximately 6 weeks at a time. Lunch Bunches are typically focused on Friendship. Students learn what it means to be a friend, and are introduced to new students and given the opportunity to get to know other students. Students enjoy playing many games while we eat that help to guide our conversations.